Sunday, March 16, 2008

#1 Tip for Certification Exam Prep - Schedule Exam Early!

That's right! Registering for your exam early is one of those gems of wisdom that, if practiced, could account for a couple of extra points on your score report. Once you "see" the dollar$ leave your account when you click "Submit" during registration, there's almost like a fire in you seat that makes you want to start doing something... like getting your study plan together, if you've not already.

WHEN should you do it? As soon as you've made up your mind that you're indeed pursuing a Cisco certification to better (and validate) your knowledge in a particular aspect of networking with Cisco gear. By the way, you probably know this, but taking one of these Certifications is one of those decisions you will not regret having taken down the road.

WHY should you do it? Because it definitely keeps you focused and motivated. You realize that you have a finite amount of time to LEARN (emphasis: not cram) all the material, and that what you should be doing is structuring your study around this schedule.

ALSO: Do keep in mind that Cisco and their exclusive testing partner, VUE, have now updated their registration policy, now requiring test centers to collect digital photos and digital signatures as part of the admissions process.
Read about this here.