Friday, February 29, 2008

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

What is the CCNA?
The CCNA is an industry certification which according to Cisco, validates the candidate's ability to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-size routed and switched networks, including implementation and verification of connections to remote sites in a WAN. It is an entry level certification offered by Cisco along with the CCENT and CCDA.

There are no prerequisites for taking the CCNAs so anyone can register for and take the exam.

How do I register? How much does it cost?
The exam can be taken at any Pearson VUE testing center. The currently exam costs $125.

What's covered on the exam?
The good news is that Cisco has offered a comprehensive list of possible topics that could be covered on the exam. You can find the exam topics here.

How do I prepare for the exam?
Read my post about this on Top 5 Resources for CCNA Test Takers. Also, not mentioned in the post are the recommended training courses ICND1 and ICND2 which can be taken from Cisco's learning partners.

More information about the CCNA can be found on the Cisco CCNA site.

The CCNA has for many been an entrance point into the networking industry either as a first-choice career path or also for those switching from a different industry discipline.

Good luck to all who decide to go for this certification!